Nuestra señora la reina de la coches

LA early on used to set the trend: movies, fashion, and cars. Then GM ripped out public transportation, rails, and all, and the city replaced them with roads and freeways. 
Now choked with traffic spewing out tons of CO2 and sulfite pollution for Angelinos to breathe and for respiratory disease and temperatures to increase. In 4000 square miles of L.A. county of 10 million, it is estimated each resident spends about 95 hours a year in traffic jams, taking it all in.

To set a trend again LA needs to do what London, Moscow, New York, and Paris have done over a hundred years ago: replace what doesn’t work with a modern concept of a public transportation system. One that is not based on individual upholstered toxic boxes to move about and does not use fossil fuels.

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