This is a book tribute to the Brontë sisters, featuring a poem by each of them. They couldn’t publish their work as women authors, but had to assume male pseudonyms to get published, as other female artists had to do in the 19th and early 20th centuries. They retained the first letter of their first names in the pseudonyms: Currer Bell, Ellis Bell, and Acton Bell, standing in for Charlotte, Emily, and Anne Brontë.

LTR: Speak of the North! Charlotte Bronte, 1816–1855, Lines Composed on a Windy Day, Anne Bronte, 1820–1849, The Night is Darkening Round Me, Emily Bronte, 1818–1848

Unsurprisingly, there were creative differences and sibyl rivalries between the sisters. 
All died at a sadly young age, quite common in 19th century England. Regardless, they left literary works well remembered in English literature.

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